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Why do dogs bark?

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:02 am
by Fragonwings
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Like their cousins the wolves, dogs do bark, but then they differ in
adulthood from wolves in that they carry on barking in may different situation
while adult wolves only bark briefly isolated situation. Adult dogs bark frequently.
The physical and behavioral characteristics in adult dogs are much like
those in young wolves. The flat face, submissiveness, vocalization, large eyes and face
are some of the characteristic being referred to.
This phenomenon in adult dogs is referred to as neoteny a situation where adults retain
juvenile characteristics.
It has been suggested that the reason for this is because these were the traits chosen
by the early breeders to obtain a more engaging companion even as an adult. They wanted
a dog who could bark to be alert them when there as unwanted animals or even people.
Dogs don't bark out of spite nonetheless they bark to communicate and also when they are excited.
Barks are divided into 2 groups disturbance barks or play barks.
Barks that are harsh and low in frequency are considered disturbance barks while those
that are low frequency and toned down are play barks and are usually accompanied by
body movements.