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Posting on The Fragonwings PetForum

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:48 am
by Fragonwings
Rules and guidelines when posting on the Fragonwings petForum.
1. Only one account is allowed per user. Please contact us if issues related to your account or need help changing your username, password, email, etc. for assistance. Members can also find help in the Frequently Asked Questions
2. All members should treat each other respectfully on the petForum . Ideas and opinions may be challenged. Name-calling, personal attacks, or other inappropriate behavior may lead to a ban.
2a. In the event of a disagreement or questioning of a moderator's decisions or actions, users should contact the moderator(s) or admin(s) via private conversation (message) instead of debating the decision on the forum.
2b. Trolling, deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or highly offensive comments to disrupt the community or harass another member is not allowed on Fragonwings petForum.
2c. Sharing of private information without Owners' consent is not allowed. (e.g., names, contact details, pictures, personal life, etc., including private messages, Facebook, email, and social media.)
3. Discriminatory, degrading or offensive comments about an individual or group based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexuality, age, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other basis of any sort will not be tolerated.
4. Do not post messages or contact the moderation team on behalf of banned members. However, banned users may contact the staff .
5. No Profanity, excessively obscene or rude language/content is allowed. Your signature and avatar may not be used to harm, harass or insult fellow members or spread messages that are generally forbidden. Avatars or signatures which advertise products of competitors are not allowed. We reserve the right to delete or edit members' signatures and avatars.
6. Advertising on Fragonwings petForum is only allowed under specific conditions.
6a. You are an approved vendor posting in the appropriate Vendor section of the community. Additionally, vendors are allowed limited posting within the Marketplace (classifieds) as per the vendor rules.
6b. Posting links to blogs, websites and social media channels may be deemed as advertising and is therefore prohibited. Links to social media for the purpose of showing your own dog's behavior may be permitted if it is to ask advice or contribute to a thread. On this issue, your history matters; brand new members who post only or mainly social media links will be tolerated less favorably than long standing members with a record of regular contributions.
6c. Selling or trying to give away your pet is not permitted. There are rescue groups and other organizations that exist for the purpose of facilitating such things, and you should consult with them. Selling commercially or for profit is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate and permanent ban.
6d. Advertising dogs for mating is not permitted.
7. No adult-rated material, links to adult-rated material, nor any form of nudity may be posted. In addition to nudity, all forms of sexual content (images, jokes, etc.) are prohibited from being posted on the site. This includes images of scantily clad men or women.
8. Political comments or discussions are not permitted in this community.
9. Solicitations for personal and unrelated donations like GoFundMe are prohibited.
10. Fragonwings petForum should never be considered a substitute for seeking veterinary advice.
11. You may only post your own material and content. Posting copyrighted material, AI generated text, trademarks, and other violations of the DMCA is prohibited.
Any violation of these rules may result in a private warning, formal warning, temporary ban, or permanent ban.
Our goal is to grow the community in a family-friendly environment. Your assistance in achieving this goal is welcome and very appreciated.
Fragonwings petForum Management Team