Does my dog need a coat? Here are a few tips to assist with the process.

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Does my dog need a coat? Here are a few tips to assist with the process.

Post by Fragonwings »

Which dogs need coats?
Short fur dogs, small dogs, older dogs, thin dogs , dog breeds from warm climate and dogs with health problems.
1. It's very important to get the right size of coat for your dog one in which they will feel comfortable when they wear. You can start by taking measurements of your dog as this will be key to getting the right size. Different brands greatly very in size a large of one company may not be the same size as the large of another brand. You can the dog to the store and have them try on different coats till you find the right fit.
2.Make sure that the coat is easy to put on and take off especially if your dog is old and has arthritis.
Velcro fasteners also are better than buttons.
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3. The coat of choice should also be easy to wash and must be one which allows usual exercise or movement especially those that do a lot of running.
4.Please Note: Not all dogs need a coat some have thick fur and not all areas have cold winters. Winters in the south are not as cold as those in the north. A dog in the south might get too warm in a heavy coat and yet the same dog in the same coat would be comfortable in north. So consider what kind of winters you get and dog breed
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