5 Puppy Behaviors to Nip in the Bud Early.

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5 Puppy Behaviors to Nip in the Bud Early.

Post by Fragonwings »

Dogs learn everyday what behavior will be acceptable and what will not however bad habits are hard to break. Keeping this in mind consider starting some behavior training as early as 7 weeks because at 6 month those frustrating habits have already been established and they are hard to change. Bad behavior like mounting, chewing, digging, barking and nipping should never be allowed because they lead to bigger problems later in life on the dog.
All dogs have teeth and regardless of age can use their teeth under certain condition. Puppies do so when establishing pecking order amongst their litter. Their mother corrected them with firm, swift, and instant corrections. This means that puppies receive behavior correction training earlier than 6 month and it's not too early to start some behavior training at 7 weeks. Nipping comes before biting and it must be stopped otherwise the puppy will think of itself as leader of a pack. Be firm as you break this habit your NO must be firm and consistent. Reward good behavior not bad.
Chewing is normal and is used to let out some energy, soothe gums when teething and keep teeth in shapes. It is a problem when the wrong things are chewed. This habit can be broken by providing chewing toys for teething and treats to chew diverting the pup from chewing in appropriate articles. Also consider giving more exercise and mental stimulation. Never leave a pup to explore the home alone it should always be under supervision.
Digging is quite a common complaint among dog owners and it's done for reasons like: Love to chase animals in the ground like moles, they may dig because they are bored or dig to bury a toy. This can be broken by giving more mental stimulation and exercise to keep it busy and distracted from digging the yard or create an area in the yard where the pup can be allow to do it's digging and reward them when they use this area. As usual general rule is to keep rewarding only the good behavior.
Tendency to beg for food during mealtime even after being fed. The begging begins with you offering food form your plate of kitchen counter. This leads to barking, whining or climbing the table. Be consistent never to feed the pup from the dinner table, kitchen counter or even from your snack plate. Train the pup to go to the crate or lay down during your mealtime. you could also plan your pup's meal around your own meal time or give a long lasting treat to chew during your mealtime.
Jumping on people:
Pups must be taught to keep feet on the ground as soon as the pup is brought home. All members of the family should reach down and greet the pup. It's not un common for pups to jump up at people in fact they do it a lot. This behavior must be discouraged right away. Whenever a pup jumps at you hold both paws long enough till they just feel uncomfortable in standing position then gently put down. Going through this experience every time they jump at you will discourage them from jumping at you.
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